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Beat Racing (Unlimited Money And God Mode)

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Beat Racing (Unlimited Money And God Mode) - Beat Racing mod apk unlimited money and god mode download
Date:Jul 22, 2024
Package Name:com.dancing.smash.hop.game.tiles.circles.beat.piano.beatracing

MOD Info

Unlimited Money

God Mode

Beat Racing is a dynamic rhythm mobile game that combines music and racing. Players can experience a very exciting driving experience in this game. After entering the game, players can choose their favorite car to race. Each car in the game is different. The track in the game is very rugged, and there are many props in the game for you to use.

Beat Racing Features

1. The game operation is simple and easy to use. The game operation is relatively simple and can be started in a short time.

2. Fun game experience, feel the fun experience brought by the new racing game play.

3. Rich game levels, experience the multiple game fun brought by different levels.

Beat Racing Highlights

1. Control the car to hit the music cube on the screen.

2. It is best not to miss the music cube, because it will affect your high score.

3. There will be obstacles during the game, be careful to avoid them, and operate perfectly!

Beat Racing Tips

First learn to brake. For novices, the most important thing in racing games is braking technology, and your collisions on both sides and total drift should also be related to not being able to brake.

1. If you are a novice, first choose a track, turn on the route guidance, always remember not to turn the steering wheel when braking, and don't step on anything when turning. Run dozens of laps according to this mode to form a memory of the track and a sense of the curve, and then start the next step.

2. Before starting this step, I hope you have formed a basic memory of the track, and you don't need to look at the map to know where there are curves. Then start to learn further braking techniques. Here we start to learn about the impact of vehicle body dynamics on grip. I won't go into detail, let's put it simply. I said earlier that you should not turn when you step on the brakes, and don't step on anything when turning, in fact, it is to prevent you from destroying the vehicle body dynamics. A car (mainly rear-wheel drive cars) has poor turning performance when braking and accelerating. When braking, the body leans forward, although it increases the grip of the front wheels, but when turning at this time, part of the grip is used for deceleration, so it affects the steering. When accelerating, the body leans backward, the grip of the front wheels becomes weaker, and the steering naturally becomes weaker. After understanding this, let's talk about the physical logic of turning (actually at the junior high school level). Whether you can successfully turn depends on whether your grip can provide the centripetal force of turning at the current speed. So here we start to learn to find the limit speed of each corner. For example, you can pass Turn 1 at 60 kilometers per hour this time, and try to pass it at 65 kilometers per hour next time. This step also requires repeated practice.

3. After going through the second step, you should have developed a relatively proficient braking technique, and you may even have started to have the points mentioned in this section, which are the braking point, tracking braking, the center of the bend and the acceleration after the center of the bend. The braking point means that you find a relatively obvious reference and brake every time you reach the corresponding position (more mechanical, but it is indeed effective.), tracking braking, we have said before that braking will reduce the grip when turning, but we also said that turning is whether the grip can provide enough centripetal force. When braking, the required centripetal force is also constantly decreasing, so in some scenarios, try to brake later and enter the bend with lighter brakes to try to get more cornering time. The center of the bend and the acceleration after the center of the bend, I won’t explain too much about the center of the bend, just treat it as the center of the circle when you turn, and then many times you don’t know when to accelerate after passing it, is it after the vehicle is completely straightened? No, it's too late then. Theoretically, you should increase the throttle as the car body straightens out after passing the bend. Be careful not to do it too fast, or you will spin. If you don't know what spin is, search for F1 Vettel. If you have successfully completed the above three steps and have a good feeling of braking, congratulations, you are already a basic level racing game player.

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