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Into the Dead 2 (Mod Menu)

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Into the Dead 2 (Mod Menu) - Into the Dead 2 mod apk mod menu download
Date:Mar 09, 2024
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MOD Info

Into the Dead 2 is a very interesting 3D endless parkour action game based on the classic zombie theme. At the same time, the game is also built with a top-notch 3D engine. Not only is the overall picture well-made and the scene effects realistic, combined with the thrilling and fast-paced background music, it will lead everyone into a terrifying zombie apocalypse world and feel the urgency of survival in the apocalypse. excitement. And the gameplay of Braving the Valley of the Dead is also very simple. There are two modes to choose from, namely gravity sensing and full-screen touch. Both methods have their own characteristics, and the only thing you have to do is to use the first-person perspective. Enter the game, and then adjust the direction of the character through gravity sensing in the game, and use any necessary means to move quickly among the zombie army, killing a bloody path and doing your best to protect your own life. Not only that, the game also adds a mission system to ordinary parkour games. Each game is a challenge for the players themselves. As long as everyone overcomes many difficulties and completes the mission, they can obtain generous rewards and possess various abilities. Plant ammunition, guns and other supplies to make it easier to help yourself pass the level.

Game information

Unlimited money

Open VlP features

Free upgrade weapons andcompanions

Unlimited Ammo

Unlimited Clip

Game Highlights

1. Adopt the first-person perspective and gradually improve your technical strength here. It is a very interesting design.

2. Provides a variety of operation methods, allowing users to control the game characters in various ways.

3. There are three modes designed, so you can enjoy the most different and interesting game experience here.

Immersive environments to discover diverse locations including oil fields and military bases, camps and rural communities Powerful weapons and ammo replenishment - Explosives, melee weapons, firearms, and more can be unlocked and upgraded!

6. Growing Zombie Threat - Adjust your tactics to eliminate different zombie groups, including armored and rapid zombies!

Game features

1. Continuously unfolding plot and multiple endings - 7 exciting chapters, 60 levels and hundreds of challenges to complete.

2. Powerful weapons and ammunition skills - Unlock and upgrade melee weapons, guns, explosives and more.

3. Multiple game modes - fire from a military turret, kill zombies from the roof of a car, stab zombies to save your life, or take risks and chase zombies on foot.

4. Multiple Immersive Environments - Discover a variety of locations, from oil fields and military bases, to camping camps and rural farmland communities.

5. The ever-increasing zombie threat - adjust your tactics to eliminate all types of zombies, including armed and running zombies.

6. 5 additional story activities - from burning forests to frozen mountain peaks.

7. Daily and special event modes - prove your skills and win exclusive prizes.

8. Loyal canine companion - fend off zombies and protect you on the ground.

9. Offline gaming - play anywhere, no internet connection required.

Gaming Strategy

1. Introduction to enemies

To defeat your enemies, you must first understand them

2. Early stage

1. Weak zombies

There's not much to say. It's characterized by thin limbs and can be killed instantly with any weapon. If you see them later in the game, please go to them, it is relatively safe.

2. Ordinary zombies

There is almost no difference from 2 and 1 except that the limbs are not so thin. A slightly upgraded weapon can still kill you instantly with one shot. The scary thing about this thing is that it is difficult to distinguish them from those "robust" zombies at long distances in the mid-to-late stage.

3. Armed zombies

It is extremely bulletproof, and I have never successfully killed even one with ordinary firearms. Theoretically, there should be an ordinary zombie under the body armor, but you know Zero Krypton will not waste precious armor-piercing bullets for a mere weapon, so I have never tried it. Characterized by a large but well-proportioned body and wearing a helmet. If you see them, please take a detour or throw a grenade (if you really can't avoid them). But your dog can kill them instantly, more about dogs later.

3. Mid-term

1. Strong Zombie A

Characterized by a white bald head and a T-shirt, the male protagonist encounters the first zombie (that attacks him) in the cutscene. Even an upgraded pistol doesn't guarantee a one-shot kill. The health value is between 130-160. Fortunately, the upgraded shotgun can still kill one shot every second (M32) provided the distance is close enough. If you see them, take a detour or switch to shotgun.

2. Strong Zombie B

His appearance is no different from A's, but he has a black bald head and is wearing camouflage pants, but his health points are not at the same level as A's. Even a shotgun with over 100 power can only remove one of its arms at close range. If you don't have a good gun, please avoid it. The problem is that this kind of zombie is extremely difficult to distinguish from ordinary zombies at a distance. (Body camouflage, you know) 4. Post-production

1. Prisoner Zombie

The body shape is similar to the two above. The characteristic is that he wears a white bloody vest, and his health value is higher than that of the black bald man. 2. Big Fat Man

The body is larger and the hair is messy and long. It is very easy to distinguish from a long distance. It is estimated that the health value is more than 2000, so try to avoid it. 3. Giant Fat Man

A boss-level existence is characterized by a huge belly and a large and round chin. The owner tends to call him a butcher. The estimated health value is 5000+. I have only seen it in the survival mode (because the parts hoarding battle is not that late). Even if the ordinary firearms are added with incendiary bombs, they have no effect at all, and they don’t even have a stiffness (seemingly). I have seen it in the survival mode. They must be detoured. Currently, the owner can only use grenades, oil barrels and dogs to kill him. You must take a detour when you see it, but this thing is the protagonist of survival and the later stages of the battle... 4. Muscular Man

Yellow pants, shirtless, knife on shoulder. From a distance, he may look no different from a black and white bald man, but his health value is 10,000+... He is the protagonist of the last two levels of survival. If you don’t have top-notch weapons, please avoid 5. Fat Man in Red.

Slightly thinner than the giant fat man, dressed in red, but the enemy with the highest health points so far in the game (20000+) No matter what gun you bring, take a detour! Because even the highest single-shot damage of 15,000 is not enough to kill it...unless you have top-level weapons + incendiary bombs 5. Game Mode

1. Battle.

The existence of money-grinding tools can occasionally give you a machine gun for fun. At present, there is no difference in the quality of reward props in different levels. As of now, there is no difference. I have used ak in the first level, and I have also used double barrels in the later levels.

2. Daily trial.

The most conscientious part of the entire game. You will be given gold and silver coins and parts for completing seven, and you will be given gold for completing seven. Please try to get all the rewards, even the parts of the gun you don't like. If the collection is full, it will not appear, right? It's like this (although it is not full) ) 3. Survival

Another conscience, weapon parts are delivered to you with ease. Be sure to stock up on knives and grenades before playing survival mode. On the one hand, these things cannot be cheaper compared with parts. On the other hand, in the last few levels of survival mode, you will find that your gun has nothing but The oil barrel has no effect anymore. At this time, you can only survive by moving, knives, grenades and dogs (it's actually not difficult, the author still used a level 7 M32 to get to the last level (and then died)). In survival mode, try your best to get to the back.

4. Movement

Personally, I feel that moving around in the entire game is far more useful than the gun in your hand. I think guns are for just in case. Of course, if you have hoarded a bunch of ammunition, then feel free to spend it. Let’s talk about getting knocked down by zombies first. judgment. Only when you are in direct contact with the zombie's body will it be judged as being knocked down. If its arm touches you, it will show a dodge action (and a "uh-huh" sound). So it’s actually not that easy for zombies to catch you. But there is a point that is easily overlooked: many tappers said that sometimes they did not see the zombies at all but were knocked down inexplicably. That was because they ignored the ones running from the side. Note that body contact from the side also counts as a knockdown. So when passing through open areas, be sure to pay attention to whether there are zombies running towards your route, because for those that run fast, you may not be able to see them once you get close, but they are still on your route, so... …Then the question is, how to avoid it?

There are many ways to avoid. The "zigzag dodge method" suggested in the game is very effective. The specific method of manipulation is to first move in the same direction with the zombies, wait until you are about to encounter the opponent, and then suddenly turn around. Usually single or 3-4 zombies. Small groups of zombies can be avoided in this way, but if the number of zombies exceeds 5 and they are all moving in the same direction, you may need to start turning early. At this time, it depends on the situation. If the zombies do not turn back, just keep running. If they turn back, Then you can only repeat the above steps, and it is not recommended to move in the same direction. Generally speaking, there are not many zombies that can turn quickly. If you encounter one, it means you are lucky. Next is the most annoying situation: two groups of zombies moving toward each other quickly. This situation is the most dangerous. I tend to throw mines directly, because it is almost impossible to dodge twice in a short period of time. There is another way: don't change direction, let the zombie stop, and then dodge. The principle is similar to the first one, so I won’t go into more details. If you have any other cool ways to move, please share them!

6. Props

This game is very conscientious. If it is represented by a certain company, I estimate that grenades and knives will be purchased as gold coins... 1. Grenades

This is a map-clearing artifact that instantly kills all the zombies that pass half the screen, regardless of blood volume. Fat guy blocking the road? Throw thunder. Request to kill armed zombies? Throw thunder. Brush points in the later stages of survival mode? Still throwing thunder.

Note that Lei is not a clear map, the ones in front of you will not die. So be careful, don't come to me if you lose it and get bitten to death.

2. Knife

Resurrection with full blood (originally one drop) in place, powerful! It is not recommended to use the campaign mode until the second half, so please don’t skimp on the survival mode.

Price 150 silver coins or 10 gold coins

Note that after using the knife, there will be a short period of invincibility. It is basically like if two zombies line up and the first one jumps on you and you stab it, then after standing up, the second one will turn into a model of a building. (That is to say, if you hit it, it will bounce back by itself). But it really only takes a moment, don't expect to knock away a large group of zombies in that time. After the knife was finished, he ran away quickly.

3. Dog food

It’s better to bring one in survival mode, it’s not expensive anyway. about? ? I will talk about it in detail next. I have always wondered where the dog went when dog food was not given in the battle.

7. Dog

Help you kill zombies (this efficiency...), it seems that the probability of finding ammunition will be higher if you follow the dog at the fork in the road, I don't know, I haven't tested it.

Dogs are very delicate things and usually have no soft use. But in times of crisis, their pounce may just save your life... In short, don't expect it to guarantee your life, but it can indeed increase your chance of survival... It's really Tangled... How to use:

1. When there is a mission to kill armed zombies, you can take it in which direction, but whether it will pounce on it is none of my business. 2. After it pounces on zombies, you can go in that direction, which will alleviate your confusion. pressure.

3. Be sure to bring it with you in survival mode. He will be one of your few output opportunities in the later stage. 4. Pray that it will pounce on the smiling black bald head in front of you when you change the magazine. About what dog to use... Okay, this is a zero-krypton guide, but I still want to pretend that I have used it all... Hybrid Dog: I will give it to you directly, and I will not explain the cost-effective choice. There's something wrong with this translation. It shouldn't be "help you back up", but should be "provide you with support" (I guess the original text is "back you up") Bian Mu: Help you find ammunition. It’s absolutely useless. If you play the campaign a few times, you’ll probably remember the location of the ammunition box (the location of the ammunition box will change slightly each time you play the game later, but the general location is the same). In survival, it won’t matter whether you find the ammunition or not. You can’t be killed anyway. Human Bullmastiff: It is faster to attack zombies. It seems to be quite useful. However, the ones that can kill the agile you are usually a large group of zombies. No matter how fast the Bullmastiff attacks, it cannot kill them all at once... Maybe it can be used for special purposes. Zombies are better, or late in survival mode.

German Shepherd: It’s a good thing, it can give you up to three lives at a time, but the price is also the most expensive... 50rmb... Forget it, as a poor person, I’d better give up... 8. Skills

After a period of testing, the owner finally has some say in these messy skills. Now I will give you a brief introduction to my results:

1. Initial ammunition

At the beginning, you will be loaded with two magazines. They have ordinary skills. You don’t need to bring them in general battles. You can bring one for missions that involve the number of enemies killed. Feel free to bring it in the early stage of survival mode. Please cooperate with the gun in the later stage, otherwise it will be useless no matter how many bullets you have. It’s useless, even the fat man’s arm can’t be removed. 2. Wooden box ammunition

The ammo box will give you two full magazines, which is a little bit more useless than the first one, but generally about the same. Average skill 3. Rapid fire

It is useless against all automatic weapons (no matter full/half), and the effect of increasing the rate of fire is very insignificant. Bolt-action weapons (lever rifles, shotguns) can be played with, but they are still a bit useless... 4. Quickly change ammunition

Slightly better than the one above and can increase your chances of survival. You can use it in the early stage of survival mode, but in the later stage...it's useless to shoot anyway...forget it...the next one is one that I personally think is relatively easy to use.

5. High explosive bombs

Good thing, it turns your submachine gun/assault rifle into an automatic sprayer, which is extremely useful when facing large groups of zombies. It is a must for killing heads in the battle/to gain points in the early stage of survival. But note that this thing will not increase your weapon damage. Use it in the later stage. Fatty will not have any soft uses. 6. Armor-piercing bullets

It's not as easy to use as the one above, but it's not bad either. The one above is a horizontal AOE, and this one is a vertical AOE. However, since zombies are more likely to be distributed horizontally in this game, they are not as useful as explosive bombs. In addition, they can restrain weapons. Body armor for zombies, but most armed zombies can’t move, why should we kill them... 7. Incendiary bombs

This is awesome, twice the weapon damage. Contrary to high-explosive bombs, this thing is useless in the early stages of battle and survival, but in the later stages it allows you to kill things that you couldn't kill originally. Exactly which level should I start using it from? You can bring it with you when you find that you can’t kill zombies with one shot. Note that you don’t need to bring it with you in the last few levels. We have zero krypton, and we are not the Liver Emperor. The zombies in the last few levels Not to mention twice, four times the damage is in vain...

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